- The “source word” is the unit of measurement used to determine translation rates.
- In case of paper documents, delivery and collection are charged extra.
- The translator is responsible for the confidentiality and protection of his/her client’s document contents whilst remaining in his/her possession. This requires the translator to comply with the Italian Decree Law no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (“Data protection law”), whereby personal data handling rests on the principle of propriety, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality and users’ rights.
- For urgent translations, a 30% surcharge is added to the standard rate (over 1,800 words per day, based on a notice of less than 36 hours).
- A flat rate will be charged for large volumes.
- Prices are in euro, unless agreed otherwise. A down payment may be required in case of large assignments.
- If unable to carry out the translation task undertaken due to force majeure, the translator will not be entitled to claim any reimbursement.
- For translation jobs confirmed and subsequently cancelled, the client will be liable for payment of a penalty equal to 10% of the total fee agreed.
- Under Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 (relating to late payment in commercial transactions) payment of the fee agreed is due after an invoice has been issued, and in any event by and no later than 30 days from the translation delivery date. Thereafter, interest will be charged under the above-mentioned decree without the need for formal notice of default to be given.